Location: 1413 Blvd of the Arts, Sarasota, FL 34236
Commissioned: All Star Childrens Foundation
Website: jackharis.com/about
Instagram: @animajac
By Jack Haris
I've always had a passion for storytelling, whether it's around a campfire, from behind a DMs screen, with weird doodles, or any other way I can tell a tale. Through my own personal experiences of being a part of a large family that also fosters, I've seen how telling even the smallest of stories can bring laughter back and put a smile on someone's face, and remind them just to be a kid without a care in the world. That's what I want to accomplish with my animations and other works. I want to remind people how it felt to be a kid and spark that imagination with the creative medium of animation; to bring the stories, I love to life.